Friday, July 13, 2007

now i'm even more spoiled

Steve sent refreshments via rae boy...homemade wine cooler with white peach juice ..ahhhhh


Anonymous said...

Okay, now I'm really jealous: a husband who knows to provide delicious liquid refreshment to enhance an already fabulous beach moment--tres fantastique! You are not allowed to complain about your husband or children (at least not the delivery boy) for a very long time. Now you're making me thirsty. I'll have to make do with a nice, cool chardonnay (but in my head, I'm drinking a sexy drink with a sweet, clever, funny, confident man with amazing eyes, soft lips, a creative sense of play and a body for sin.) Calgon take me away! Love, Chi-Town Pal

suZen said...

You got it, my lip was zipped for the rest of the day. I put my drink order in early, you can bet that, these things don't happen without a little input (and even then it sometimes doesn't). Who needs calgon when you can just float in the warm salty gulf coast waters . . .