Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekends are for fun

Yesterday, we participated with our middle school in the annual East Cobber parade, a low-key hometown parade where there are more paraders than spectators. Gavin rode a scooter and Cameron brought his skateboard. Highlight of the entire event was all the roadkill candy that the boys acquired while narrowly missing being hit by cops on motorcycles zipping up and down the sidelines. Twice Cameron hit a piece of smashed candy or a rut in the pavement, causing him to catapult his skateboard under the car in front of us. After about two hours of waiting and parading, they got bored and started doing what they referred to as "tricks, " zooming back and forth underneath the banner we were carrying and nearly into the crowd. All this in front of the principal of our middle school and teacher of the year (and the hundreds of spectators). I WAS SO PROUD!!!! After downing hot dogs and soft drinks and playing a carnival game, we caught a complimentary ride on the Fur Bus back to our car!

They weren't really tired . . . just faking! After returning home, Gavin purged all that he had eaten - just too much of a good time, I guess. A fond memory of childhood.

Today we went on a very short bike ride, where I think I saw Gavin's dramatic side even more:

Hope you had a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

You know you have a good life when your kids give you so many funny things to put in your blog. Your words always draw out the humor of life.

Anonymous said...

Where do you think your children get their dramatic side? I love our hometown July 4th parade too. We live in Mayberry, for sure.