Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Get up here and drive

A teacher that we work with told me a story today, and I hope I don't completely mess up the message. An officer and his soldiers were in Somalia, heading in to rescue Americans that were being held hostage. They were driving a jeep, and gunfire broke out. Two of the four were killed; and the private and the officer still alive were both hit. The officer yelled: "Private! Get up here and drive the jeep." The private cried, "But I've been shot!" And the officer replied: "Everyone in this jeep has been shot."

I've always believed that everyone around me is suffering, to some degree. We can compare ourselves, ask to be excused, but what will that get us? While suffering is painful, it encourages personal growth. And frankly, you can't do a darn thing about it! Try to escape . . . watch it return four-fold.

Please let me have compassion for those around me . . . we are not all on the same path.


Anonymous said...

I loved this story - thank you for sharing it. Sometimes, I think I'm shot because I see blood, and I hear all the commotion, and I get very self absorbed in all the fear and anxiety I'm feeling, only to realize it's the blood of the soldier next to me. And then, for a moment, I think "why that soldier and not me?" Soon though, you have to snap out of it and come to the aid of your fallen comrade, or you are surely going to be the next casualty. In the end, it's really about overcoming your fear and anxiety, and realizing the joy and wonder of life and those you share it with grows as your courage does.

suZen said...

So true and so well said, Anonymous poster . . . Seeing blood (especially my children's) does temporarily paralyze me. But when you have to spring into action, you certainly do. Mother- father-, and friend-hood is not for sissies!

Anonymous said...

Just think what a change it would make in the world if we all believed in our ability to suffer, yet still take action! I think I'm a bit like "anonymous", getting caught up in my own anxiety. The fear can overwhelm me at times. My reptilian brain takes over.