Thursday, February 21, 2008

My friend H rocks!

Sometimes my friends won't post, so I have to post for them. It is a carry-over from motherhood, I guess. We were doing one of those "tell me something I don't know" fill in the blank questionnaires (favorite food, color, movie, song, etc.) and question #21 (out of 59!!) was favorite saying. If H wants to identify herself, she needs to come forward!!!! btw, we all need an H in our lives. Honest, confidant, evolved, friend that lasts forever. In fact, she doesn't have wrinkles and she looks better than she has ever looked. Plus, she kicks a** and is a fun gal to gallivant with!!! (is that where the word gallivant came from???)

First, H said" the best is yet to come," but then she sent me a separate email which is totally worth noting, which I shall cut and paste here:

In H's own words:

You don't look 47!! aka you look like you're in your thirties! aka you don't look old enough to have children. (seriously! I have gotten each of those in the last year. I must admit that the compliments mainly came from people who wanted generous tips.)

Would you like another glass of wine/vodka/scotch, etc?

Would you like that with ice cream/chocolate on top?

Have you lost weight ? (Haven't heard this in the last year)

Honey, you need a pick-me-up shopping spree! (OK, I totally made that one up).

No, you don't look fat in that outfit.

There's not a wrinkle on your face. (My friends are the biggest liars, aren't they?)

Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? (said on a night when I'm too tired/lazy to cook)

Can I clean up for you? (Said when the house is a complete mess -- that's a fantasy comment, too)

You've never looked better. (said by a woman, again, my friends are shameless liars).

You go, girl!

Solidarity, sister!

Peace, love and soul (what host Don Cornelious said at the end of every episode of "Soul Train" - I watched that and American Bandstand every Sat. when I was growing up - I love to dance, what can I say??)

I love you :-)

I'm coming for a visit (not spoken by my in-laws)

Yes, I can babysit on Saturday night

This is good, Mom (mumbled by a Schultz boy, with a mouth full of my cooking, followed by content devouring of the dinner that I took the time to make)

You were so right, Mom (spoken by my college freshman -- fantasy, pure and simple)

Thanks, Mom (also spoken by my college freshman -- another fantasy)

We WON LOTTO!! (yeah right!)

Later, gator - H

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on the free-write at red Ravine. I'm going to look for those light-up tweezers! I remember the poor woman's story you linked. Ouch! What we'll go through to look decent in a bathing suit.

Your friend H sounds like a fun, realistic woman. Her quotes are great! My favorite is:

This is good, Mom (mumbled by a Schultz boy, with a mouth full of my cooking, followed by content devouring of the dinner that I took the time to make)