Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tribute to Jon Hunt

My friend, Jon, died exactly one month ago. I knew him when we worked together at the IBM chip facility in East Fishkill, NY. His ex-wife, RoseMarie, got in touch with me to let me know what happened. RoseMarie was a good friend to me as well, and we enjoyed many fun times together when I lived there. They endured my changing relationships, from husband, to boyfriend, to new husband, and were always supportive and accepting!

Jon was a Vietnam Vet . . . a devoted father and son . . . and a good friend to everyone that he met. He was one of the most genuinely kind, funny, and intelligent persons (OK, the grammar doesn't sound right . . . help!) that I have ever known.

I haven't seen him for 20 years but I still feel the connection. I know that somewhere I have a picture of him with his big goofy grin, but I can't locate it right now, so you will just have to take my word for it. His heart was enormous!

I remember when I transferred into IBM marketing, the Chicago office, he and Ro came to visit, and I gave him a quick tour of the office, introducing him as my 'best friend from work.' He really was. He was so much fun. I will never forget him.

She is grieving, still, as is their son, Rick. Please say a prayer for them. He will not be forgotten, he is so alive.

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