Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Seven is an interesting number . . . apparently there are . . . seven chakras . . . seven Catholic sacraments . . . even seven deadly sins. Now, I will share with you, seven weird/random facts about me (and I do this on a truth or dare, aka being tagged).

1. I was hit by a car when I was two and was in a coma for 4 days ('splains alot)

2. I was hit by a car again when I was 19 but managed to jump to safety (woo hoo!)

3. I organized my entire high school track team of 50+ girls to hide from the coach on April Fools Day. It took us 1.5 hours to get back, and we still had to run the practice. Ahhhhh, they took it in stride (no pun intended)

4. When I was in college I was in a special freshman program in engineering. We were able to participate in an independent project, and my friend and I picked "Jupiter listening post." We built this giant antennae out of pipe, hooked it up on the roof of the Technological Institute, and had to try to listen to radio waves at 3 am in the winter of 1979. It didn't work. And I'm not kidding that I did that.

5. Two toys I lusted after that I never had: my friend's easy bake oven and my brother's chemistry set. I ended up graduating in materials science in college, taking about 10 graduate level chemistry classes (still don't like chemistry that much) but I love to cook! Hmmmmm . . . . note to self: not all things our children want, we should give them . . .

I only have two left. Thought to self: what are the really important things that I should share. Second thought to self: who cares?

6. I drink alot! I especially like Italian white wine. In fact, I don't really drink anything else. I had one beer in Italy. Other than that . . . Italian white. Plus one lovely glass of a Sardinian dessert wine . . . amazing, full of funky digestif herbs. Yummy!

and . . . #7. Two tattoos: dragonfly on the shoulder and phoenix on the lower back. What's next?

1 comment:

Christine Swint said...

These are great! I never knew most of these random facts about you. You must be part cat, what with all the lives you have.