Saturday, November 3, 2007


Going to see the Boss in Cleveland tomorrow, bright and early. In the meantime, his 'magic' has worked its spell on me(thank you to Allyn for my bootlegged copy), and I finally am making an effort to upload some of our photos from Italy. (Message to self: set the resolution on the camera to low so that major edits are not required for uploading photos online . . .)

I have uploaded photos to web sites but can't find a way to post access here . . . I will figure it out!!!




Anonymous said...

Hi! I loved the slide show with the music. Seems like your trip was truly amazing. It can take a while to digest all those sites, sounds, and emotions, as well as the delicious cuisine!

Klaus said...

Hi Christine is so right. Especially the picture showing Suzan enjoying the Cappucino. Beeing in Rome do as the romans. Have a break and enjoy a cup of coffee. Starbucks vanishes in comparison to a roman expresso.
When looking at the other pictures it doesn't surprise me that so many european tribes and nations accepted to be a part of the empire and covered by the "pax romanae" It makes me wonder if a visit to Starbucks in Washington DC will make as many accept to be a part of the "pax americanae"