Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer diet tips

Post your tips here! From You on a Diet by Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D.

Facts and tips- easy to do:

  1. q: Which spice has been shown to be helpful for controlling weight? a: cinnamon

  2. q: Which strategy is the most recommended for people trying to lose weight? a: Eating a handful of nuts helps you stay full, while skipping meals causes your body to go into a fat-storing mode.

  3. q. which prescription medicines help with weight loss? a: buprioprion (Wellbutrin) has been shown to help control cravings and leads to a 7 percent weight loss. Celexa and lexapro can decrease appetite. Other antidepressants, such as tricyclic and SSRI's(like prozac) are associated with weight gain. (BUMMER!)

  4. Non prescription medicines such as caffeine and nicotine suppress the appetite and speed metabolism, also increasing heart rate.

  5. What is the best exercise for long term weight loss? a: adding muscle through resistance helps your body burn more fat throughout the day.

  6. Drugs that influence serotonin (the feel-good brain chemical): Meridia - can lose 7 percent of their weight but not much more.

  7. Drugs that influence GABA (anesthesia and antiseizure meds, slow you down): topamax and zonisamide cause your brain to signal you to eat less, but has serious side effects.

  8. drugs that influence your gut - by inhibiting the digestion of fat: zenical - lose about 10 percent of your body weight. Also helps with cholesterol. Disadvantage - less absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A,D and E.

  9. drugs that influence absorption of sugar: precose.

  10. drugs that decrease intestinal sensitivity (like irritable bowel syndrome): zelnorm, increases neurotransmitters so you may eat less.

  11. supplements like hoodia have been shown to eat 1000 fewer calories per day. unfortunately, there is fraud in this marketplace and it's hard to know who is legitimately selling it. Garcinia has also been shown to help decrease body weight by 5 percent in eight weeks.


suZen said...

OK, no one commented here, I thought at least this was useful information. I guess I will go back to commenting on our bra sizes. Actually, let me take this moment to inform you, also from the book, "Sex and hunger are regulated through the brain chemical NPY. Healthy monogamous sex could help you control your food intake; by satisfying one appetite center, you seem to satisfy the other."

OK, so you got that going for you, which is nice!!!

Anonymous said...

"I guess I will go back to commenting on our bra sizes."

Please do. You will get more comments.

Why not load up some photos while you're at it?

suZen said...

No comment.